I Love YTtalk
Hello everyone, I've been browsing around this forum quite the bit, the 2 or 3 days I've been here so far, and I've come to take it a lot of people here aren't the biggest fans of TGN, be it for missing payment reports, low CPMs, what have you. I became partnered with them about 2 weeks ago, and while I hope I'll be happy and content with them once March comes around (My first payment month), I can't help at the same time, wonder if I'll also get the short end of the stick.
So I come to ask, just in case I'm not pleased with TGN, (Which I am hoping the opposite), what other Networks might I want to look into? I'm nearing 6,000 subs, and average around 500K views a month. I've heard good things about TGS and Bentpixels, would they be good one's to look into? Thanks for any advice, and hopefully I'll have a nice problem-free stay with TGN.
So I come to ask, just in case I'm not pleased with TGN, (Which I am hoping the opposite), what other Networks might I want to look into? I'm nearing 6,000 subs, and average around 500K views a month. I've heard good things about TGS and Bentpixels, would they be good one's to look into? Thanks for any advice, and hopefully I'll have a nice problem-free stay with TGN.