An intro I made in 5 minutes for fun :P


I Love YTtalk
Hey guys :p

I know I didn't pay too much attention to detail on this one :p It was just an idea that I got all of a sudden, but didn't take it too seriously :p

The intro is in the start of this video:

Any thoughts? Like the idea? :p (Not too much about detail as it was just something I did quickly out of pure boredom :p)
Cool idea. Maybe only the beginning before you make your choice of the robot is too long, but anyway, still AWESOME idea!:)
nice intro and i watched the whole video that was amazing x)

Thanks man ;) If you liked that, take a look at my other videos, if you feel like it ;) (For the moderators: Sorry about the tiny advertising, you know I love you all!)
Its cool, though i think its pretty long for an intro,im used to intros being at most 15 seconds,but cool
Great concept! I agree with everyone else that you should make the intro part where you select your character a little shorter.
It's waaay too long buddy! An intro needs to be short and catchy :p if you reduce the length of the character selection in the beginning, it's ncie! :D