Am I Too Serious?


I don't know what's going on.
This is a topic that I've been considering for quite some time, especially since it's directly related to my channel and persona. Comments are welcome.


Although, I realize the question in this subject line could be taken in several ways from changing persona to changing opinion style--but I also realize, that perhaps it could mean that one way to get more attention or at least have fun with subs, is to make a silly video? Certainly comedy and amusement even for one video a month would embolden the audience to interact and that would work well to open up new opportunities to expand.
On frequent occasion when I'm watching your videos I feel as if it all would be better suited as some sort of podcast/radio broadcast. Even if I'm not particularly interested in the topic you are speaking about, the way you get your opinion across is fantastic and admirable; at least for me it is. I understand the huge platform YouTube gives you, but in terms of the actual videos and what the viewers are looking at, there isn't much there that is interesting for me. . I don't know...that's just my one opinion but I'm sure the majority of your viewers disagree.

Edit: But, to answer your actual question, I don't think you're too serious. I personally would like to see you throw some sarcastic humor in there every once in a while but I'm not complaining.
From what you are saying in the video, it sounds like you want to branch out, but are worried about being perceived as a sellout. I believe it is naive to think that we can cater only to ourselves and ignore the needs of viewers and expect to be successful. My advise is to follow your instincts. If you want to diversify a little, then do it.
People who say you're selling out are being silly. Be yourself and try to make some entertaining videos, feel out what people want to watch. You don't have to suddenly seem like a different person to go from being serious to being more silly, it's more like a change of tone and mood. It isn't like you're changing your opinion, attitude, or anything. You can be light-hearted and be cynical (if that's your thing). Your videos seem like they have an intellectual, philosophical quality to them, where you're thinking really hard about what you're talking about. That's a great type of video that a lot of people seem completely unable to make, because they aren't in touch with that side of themselves.

Everyone has different sides to their self, different moods, different tones and perspectives that they can feel toward different subjects. Personally, my attitude toward everything is to find the humor and silliness in anything. However, I can be in a more introspective, critical mood, which people wouldn't find funny. These types of videos aren't really meant for entertainment, but more like for thinking about different perspectives, or simply agreeing with whatever the author of the video thinks.

TL;DR: You aren't selling out or anything like that if you're using a different tone/mood. If it doesn't feel like you're pretending, you aren't pretending.