Am I too late? - SB Contract


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Hey! I know what I am about to ask you guys is probably REALLY "noobish" and dumb, but I applied to SocialBlade on Tuesday and the only thing I have received since then was the confirmation of them actually receiving all the details I input to the application. Of course, right after I apply I start reading all these posts about how RPM has gone to s**t in the LAST COUPLE OF DAYS. -_- I have not signed any kind of contract, etc. and haven't yet even been accepted to be eligible for partnership. All I wanna know is that how do I have to proceed (if I recieve an email saying that I have gotten accepted) to NOT partner with them and leave the whole situation? Thanks, guys!
If you haven't signed the contract, you are not partnered with them. So if you haven't signed it yet, and you don't want to be partnered with them, don't sign the contract.
just dont reply to the email if they send you one.. ignore them.. and dont sign or click on any link attach to the email
If you haven't signed the contract, you are not partnered with them. So if you haven't signed it yet, and you don't want to be partnered with them, don't sign the contract.
Yeah, the only thing if done is "linked my account with socialblade" so that they can verify my account and sent them the application with some info they required. Since they haven't even replied to me or accepted me yet, I haven't received anything else from them except the confirmation email for my application. So I should be good right?
Yeah, the only thing if done is "linked my account with socialblade" so that they can verify my account and sent them the application with some info they required. Since they haven't even replied to me or accepted me yet, I haven't received anything else from them except the confirmation email for my application. So I should be good right?
If you haven't signed the contract, you should be good :)
Did you have to "connect your account" while filling in the app? If so then you have accepted the contract as part of the app.
I don't think that's correct. When I applied to socialblade a long time ago, I think you do that connect account thing but that is before you even fill out the application. I did that connect account thing and never signed the contract and am not with the network. Don't most network applications have that connect youtube account thing during or before the application? not the one linking for partnership.