Am I good enough to be partnered?

Am I good enough to be on Machinima?

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I know I have the views based on social blade tracker and have been offered partnerships with low end channels. But what about something like Machinima? The question is, am I GOOD enough? At the moment my personal channel is random and vloggy. I want to focus and do something, but would hate for it to be waisted if I got picked up by a channel and moved the series over to Machinima or whatever.

Here is an example of my work at "not my channel but it is my video" I am not partnered with them but I do get paid to make videos for them. What do you think?

For Machinima, you have to have way to many subscribers and views. (In my opinion)

You could probably get in with RPM or SocialBlade. Some pretty good networks for smaller channels.
before this post, I knew you for your music, which was pretty impressive. But you do have a talent for gameplay/commentary. Normally, i don't like these kinds of videos because the commentary is bad or they use overplayed games. But you keep me pretty interested throughout the whole thing. I personally think YOU are good enough to join the Machinima, but idk what kind of numbers a network like Machinima is looking for (as far as subscribers and views)
before this post, I knew you for your music, which was pretty impressive. But you do have a talent for gameplay/commentary. Normally, i don't like these kinds of videos because the commentary is bad or they use overplayed games. But you keep me pretty interested throughout the whole thing. I personally think YOU are good enough to join the Machinima, but idk what kind of numbers a network like Machinima is looking for (as far as subscribers and views)

This is pretty much what I meant, haha. It's not that you aren't good enough. Machinima just has a lot of requirements.
It's not always about being good enough but rather do you meet certain requirements. 1st thing I can see is you need a background, you would be surprised how far a good background will take you. The main thing is don't worry about partnerships just yet, focus on your videos and the partnership will come. I do think you have some good videos and I wish the best.
Thanks. I guess I'll go ahead and pour my heart into a nice series or two on my channel and may/may not even join up with another channel. I am actually already a full YouTube Partner but because of a strike on my copyright "played a game under NDA and accidentally monetized it" I have to wait 2 more months for my background privileged, as well as the ability to upload longer than 15 minute videos which I previously had.

I would need 1000 views a day with a lot of subscribers, plus 1 video that had at least 50,000 views. That is a pretty good requirements and I wonder how I can accomplish that. : ) Well, my next video is "why are zombies popular?" and includes game footage but is not a gameplay commentary, more like a presentation.

I am reluctant to do commentaries because I have yet to find a single game I LOVE to death more than any other. Would it be okay if I just did ALL the games I love?
Dude, With 160 subs and 100 views per day You're still way far from machinima .. I would recommend CreatorX but you have to have like 1K views daily to get accepted ! plus not to mention around 2K Subs or so .. Your channel is still small, So as mine .. :P
To be fair I average 230 views per day. A lot of my videos aren't meant for an "audience" they are for school or something "full sail university" but I want to become big now. I work with other channels so my personal channel fails. I have access to every beta ever and I could do videos on all those games and commentary/review them though a lot of those would probably go to my work at which I will probably get partnered through them since I am close with them.

Hey Psycho, I'll sub to you my friend. As well as everyone who commented on this thread.
Yeah, depends who you want to get in with, SocialBlade might be right up your alley. Machinima...well, as far as requirements go, you won't even be considered. It's a tough business out there.