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Hey dude, I'm Dan, (some people call me Teddy), i'm from England :)
I play guitar, mostly rock and metal but I generally listen to most typed of music.
With expanding the channels I suppose it's just a case of everyone checking everyone's out. I mean my channel is tiny at the moment.
I've gotta say've got a pokemon remix on your you're awesome haha :p
Well I have to prepare for exams so I am not doing much and I will be actually uploading my real stuff after june 2 when all exams will be over
then I will be needing people to collaborate with
It will be fun
nice to meet you and your channel is good:)
I will not say you are the world's best guitar player but you certainly are very good
Thanks for checking my channel!
I will be contacting you after june 2:)
Yeah man I look forward to it. I'm doing a degree myself so I know what you mean about the lack of time. By June I should have progressed a decent amount as a musician anyway :D
Nice Idea,
I'm playing the piano for more than 9 years now :)
if you wan t to see my best work, I suggest you take a look at ma awesome movie medley... :)
Btw, your videos are really nice, keep it up!
Dylan here, from Hip Cat Records. I promote talented folks. I am a music lover myself, play a bit, but just for fun. I wouldn't subject people to my noises. Generally tell people to cover their ears and hair when I play.

So I basically point the spotlight at others and try my best to give honest and productive feedback. I also use my channel to accumulate some of my favorite music and media and transmit it out into the YT universe. Nothing is better than good tuneage.

Nice to meet you all and best of luck with everyone's ambitions and time. Keep on rawkin'

Best wishes,
