After Effects Tutorials


Art video + tutorials
Hi everyone.
I recently started to make some After Effects tutorials on my YouTube channel and they seem to be doing rather well. I try to make tutorials for effects that haven't been explained yet, like the ones that CorridorDigital uses in their videos. I've only got 3 up so far but there's more to come.
I've been using AE for about 6 years now so I'm well ready to share some of my knowledge.
Check it out if you like
My channel name is EdEditz
Good job! Subbed!!
Check out my buddy Wren!
He does that stuff too!
He works with Corridor Digital and does all of their BTS and tuts!

P.S. Where are your Keywords? You should be getting a LOT more views for the Corridor Digital ones.

Use some really good keywords and when you upload your tuts, use a keyword loaded file name. YouTube cross references the file name with keywords and first paragraph of the description
Good job! Subbed!!
Check out my buddy Wren!
He does that stuff too!
He works with Corridor Digital and does all of their BTS and tuts!

P.S. Where are your Keywords? You should be getting a LOT more views for the Corridor Digital ones.

Use some really good keywords and when you upload your tuts, use a keyword loaded file name. YouTube cross references the file name with keywords and first paragraph of the description
Youtube made the tags invisible asof sept 1st I believe. But I used plenty of keywords.
Thanks for the sub. I know about Wren. He helped me out on my 3D Freeze Frame tutorial with some tips. He's great :)
Youtube made the tags invisible asof sept 1st I believe. But I used plenty of keywords.
Thanks for the sub. I know about Wren. He helped me out on my 3D Freeze Frame tutorial with some tips. He's great :)

Yea, Wren is a good friend. His cousin is my Best friend since childhood. Haha, small world!
He's got talent!
Hi everyone.
I recently started to make some After Effects tutorials on my YouTube channel and they seem to be doing rather well. I try to make tutorials for effects that haven't been explained yet, like the ones that CorridorDigital uses in their videos. I've only got 3 up so far but there's more to come.
I've been using AE for about 6 years now so I'm well ready to share some of my knowledge.
Check it out if you like
My channel name is EdEditz
Ima have to check your channel out soon...I would like some AE tips! :D