Advice needed !


I've Got It
Hi Guys,

so ive been invited and partnered with MakerGen, and im looking at some things with a confused face about me.
The tax and payments forms, now the W8-BEN form that i have to click through and sign, what is this, and what is it for, im a UK resident, and ahve never seen one of these in my life, does it alert my countries Revenue and Tax service that i am getting an income from makergen or something ?

im so confused.

Rob x
My sincere advise to first confirm all the following before you go any

1. background of that networks
2. go for reviews in this forums
3. read all the thread in this forum Read this before you go join MCN
4. ask about heir contract terms & trails terms
5. don't go blindly by taking reference of their conversation through skype or something else that is useless.
6. when you decided to join any network (don't tick any boxes like terms and conditions etc without reading it)

Best of Luck

Don't get into their Trap like me