Hey guys, I've been making videos on my channel, AndroidCrate, for about 5 months now, and have been uploading more frequently in the last month. My videos are getting more attention, comments, and good feedback than ever. I only have 27 subscribers, but it seems to be growing pretty fast. However, my AdSense account was wrongly disabled for invalid click activity. Of course I sent an appeal and got an automated rejection email as a response, like most of you have. I want to join a network like Fullscreen in the foreseeable future, to get all of the branding and monetization features of a YouTube partner, which I cannot get as my AdSense account is disabled. Should I delete my channel and make a new one? It would really be a pain, because the name of my channel is also the name of my website, and I would like to have one universal brand. It would also be a pain to get all of the viewers and the subscribers (albeit, not many) over to that new channel. However it would mean an enabled AdSense account with a less limited YouTube account. What do you guys suggest I do? Sorry for ranting on, but I'd really appreciate some help. Thanks guys.