Other Actors Needed!


YTTalk Shape Shifter
Hello, I am planning on making a talking object video, it's like an annoying orange spoof basically, I have made one of these already which is called "The Worried Potato" I really enjoyed making this video and decided I would like to make another one, but with other people.
The Requirements for this are:
Must have 720p or 1080p camera to record with (this is so both videos match resolution)
Microphone with clear sound (can be built in to camera) I'm not trying to be mean here or anything this is just so the footage matches quality. How it Works? What happens is I will send over directions on what to film, such as what expressions etc to make. You need to mark a dot on your chin, nose, and forehead, this is just for the tracking to make the faces on the object sit in a solid place. (not trying to make you look like a fool) You then record the footage of you and send it over to me. I will then put it into the final edit and upload. A credit and link to your channel will be put in via annotation and video description. Here is the Worried Potato video. I hope this shows my capabilities of how the next video of this will turn out, when I filmed this I had no dots on my face so the tracking isn't the best if you notice.
So that's it! If interested just say! We currently only need someone to do a talking coin( a bright person who is always encouraging everything, even bad things without realising!) and a talking pen(very shy person, but very intelligent)
If you still need someone, we have a member, Laura J who would be interested.
preparations are still being made, so we still have positions open :)[DOUBLEPOST=1352570185,1352570095][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'll Defiantly Be Interested Man. PM Me.

View attachment 1972
checked out your channel, sweet videos! I sent you a message[DOUBLEPOST=1352570862][/DOUBLEPOST]
No worries. Laura has added you on twitter as well so you can chat direct via there. :)
hi, I didn't seem to get a message on twitter or find Laura in followers, would you be able to send me a link?