Activision -kinda related to monetization-


Youtube Reviewer
I heard in passing somewhere on this forum that Activision is one of those '******* companies' that is quick to put copyright strikes onto your videos if you feature their games. I wonder if anyone can confirm this?

They are soon releasing a TMNT game called Out of the Shadows... and the thing is, as a videogame reviewer AND a TMNT fan, I can not NOT let this game pass me by. That would be like having a game review show and not reviewing Street Fighter IV back when it was new.

However, I do realize that another hot 'how can gamers NOT review this game' game, namely the Lara Croft game that just came out started giving people copyright strikes all over the place (don't know how GameMeetsGirl gets away with it though).

So, I kinda think I will skip claiming one. I'm also confused on Double Dragon Neon. The second stage has singing in the background, and I don't know if there will also be trouble. I do know the composer allowed all his music to be downloaded for free and wouldn't care.. but eh, you know Youtube. So I didn't claim that video either. Anyone else have more info about Activision?
you have to be very careful with them. They don't allow you to put there trailers or cutscenes and they don't really like it when you use the audio from any of their games.. if you're a youtube partner with a network sometimes you're aloud to post these videos but you might want to read Activisons T+C :)
Hmm is there a link to their TOS? And yeah, I rarely use cutscenes and when I do, there is still commentary over them since I'm basically explaining 'the game also has cutscenes that explain the story, blah blah'.

And info on Double Dragon Neon with the stages that have songs in the background?
Hmm is there a link to their TOS? And yeah, I rarely use cutscenes and when I do, there is still commentary over them since I'm basically explaining 'the game also has cutscenes that explain the story, blah blah'.

And info on Double Dragon Neon with the stages that have songs in the background?
they normally make different ones for each of the games.. so wait for the game to come out and then read the ones they're created for that game :D
Hmm is there a link to their TOS? And yeah, I rarely use cutscenes and when I do, there is still commentary over them since I'm basically explaining 'the game also has cutscenes that explain the story, blah blah'?

Probably best to wait and see the games specific TOS as it may vary. However Activision has an overall one here:

However I've just had a read through and it doesn't say anything any YouTube, it does say you can use their product non-commercially, and they own the rights to any user-generated content. That may be related to you using it just for yourself though and not online for others :confused:

Activision grants you a personal, limited, non-exclusive license to use the Product for your non-commercial use.