Hey everyone, just wanted to ask for you guys to check out a series we're working on: The SSS Rises. Now it might be hard to understand at first, and that's because it's meant to be a continuation of a series we did when we were very young, The SSS Chronicles. We were about 9 or 8 at the time and created very mediocre action movies centering around the 3 of us as a group of super soldiers running around with Nerf guns: The SSS (Super Sniper Squad). Yes, it's as dumb as it sounds, and it gets even dumber, our enemy is supposed to be "addicts", not drug addicts or things like that, but people addicted to video games and computers, since our parents told us those were bad people. Yeah.
You can see what our old movies looked like on our channel in a playlist called "MFP Classics" (I can't link to it since I'm not allowed to post links yet), and a more in-depth explanation of the SSS at the bottom of this post.
As dumb as that was, the whole SSS thing is what got us interested in film making and is why we have a YouTube channel today. So in this story we tried to continue the story of the SSS, but instead having a more serious approach to it. The premise is that after the events of the SSS, all of its members were separated as well as several other squads. These squads had been created by an agency run by the government as a sort of experiment using children as advanced super soldiers, hence the age of all of us. However, they are unexpectedly reunited to fight a secret operative that's put their agency at the brink of destruction, leading a new group of assassins ready pinning themat war.
So that sounds dumb as well, but we really tried hard to execute it well and keep it exciting, despite a lot of the unrealism and small problems, like still using Nerf guns as weapons since our parents won't let us by airsoft ones. I really recommend you check it out and we're looking for some constructive criticism to help us, these are some of the best videos we've ever made but there's still a lot of room for improvement. Enjoy!
The SSS Rises Series
Check out the full playlist on our channel (I'm not allowed to post links here yet)
or view the videos so far separately:
Here's a more in-depth explanation of the SSS:
You can see what our old movies looked like on our channel in a playlist called "MFP Classics" (I can't link to it since I'm not allowed to post links yet), and a more in-depth explanation of the SSS at the bottom of this post.
As dumb as that was, the whole SSS thing is what got us interested in film making and is why we have a YouTube channel today. So in this story we tried to continue the story of the SSS, but instead having a more serious approach to it. The premise is that after the events of the SSS, all of its members were separated as well as several other squads. These squads had been created by an agency run by the government as a sort of experiment using children as advanced super soldiers, hence the age of all of us. However, they are unexpectedly reunited to fight a secret operative that's put their agency at the brink of destruction, leading a new group of assassins ready pinning themat war.
So that sounds dumb as well, but we really tried hard to execute it well and keep it exciting, despite a lot of the unrealism and small problems, like still using Nerf guns as weapons since our parents won't let us by airsoft ones. I really recommend you check it out and we're looking for some constructive criticism to help us, these are some of the best videos we've ever made but there's still a lot of room for improvement. Enjoy!
The SSS Rises Series
Check out the full playlist on our channel (I'm not allowed to post links here yet)
or view the videos so far separately:
Here's a more in-depth explanation of the SSS: