Accepting review submissions!

Patrick Harris

You see what I did there?
Hi guys, my previous two "Impartial video reviews" have gone great, and now I'm ready to accept more. Even for those who didn't get the best review from me still managed to get some extra attention to their channel and got a few subscribers.

Here are the first two episodes:​
If you'd like me to review your video this week, simply post it here. Please keep in mind that for copyright reasons, I am unable to review game channels or anything containing copyrighted music. I am limited to comedy, vlogs, covers or anything with 100% original content. I will give you a 100% honest review, including a link where your channel can be found.​
I will take videos at a first come, first serve basis. And as a treat, this week I'm trying to get Asia to review the videos with me.​
Oh man, I'm kinda scared to do this after watching your 2 videos (which were really good by the way), since you're so straight forward, but could you please review this video?

Also, I'm aware of the audio issues, but at the moment can't do much to fix them.