A story about losing a parent...


Back in 2010 my Dad lost his battle with cancer and to say it was a tough time would be an understatement. At that time I was coming into my last year of secondary school and was due to complete my GCSE's, which every teacher drilled into me were the most important exams of my life (which isn't true). I was under pressure to do well and to finish school when all I really wanted to do was hide away from the world forever, but I didn't, I stayed strong and went on to finish my GCSE's with A's and B's, so I did ok given the circumstances. During that year in the run up to my exams I had a great network of support from my family and friends, but I also found an 'escape' in the form of a sport known as parkour (or free-running as it's commonly referred to) and this allowed me, for the time I was training, to escape reality and find a way to overcome obstacles I faced, both physically and mentally. I think the video paints a picture of the emotions I went through during the time I lost my Dad, from the stages of feeling angry to the stages of feeling sad and depressed, to the last stage that was being able to accept the circumstances in my life and learn from them.

Dude, this was really great. Aha. This should have way more views than it has right now. I loved it.