A little push!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! im just 5 subscribers away from 100 and i need 100 to enter a competition. would love it if some of you guys can sub to help! even if its for a week or 2 xD. you want me to sub back im happy to, just put a comment here saying something like... "Subbed; Sub back" or something a long those lines ^_^. So yea sub and il love you...

Hey guys! im just 5 subscribers away from 100 and i need 100 to enter a competition. would love it if some of you guys can sub to help! even if its for a week or 2 xD. you want me to sub back im happy to, just put a comment here saying something like... "Subbed; Sub back" or something a long those lines ^_^. So yea sub and il love you...


haha well your already at 100 but subbed with my gaming channel anyway juuusst incase!!