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7000 Subscribers Today


Active Member
Well I just hit 7000. I've actually had a very busy month and my channel suffered a bit... it was the slowest time I've had between increments of 1000. I

I sort of have been wanted to get 10,000 before my birthday on May 23 and I might be on track. Anyway, that is no big deal. What is a big deal is having 7000 people who believe in me and enjoy my work. That is an awesome feeling :)
Congratulations on hitting 7000 dude and sticking through with it regardless of how tough things were. From looking at your current videos, it looks like you should be able to hit 10,000 by that time. That'd be a real nice birthday present haha. Good luck on your road to the 5 digit number :)
That's so fantastic! Congratulations! I hope you make your goal by your birthday!!

Thank you so very much :)

That's so fantastic! Congratulations! I hope you make your goal by your birthday!!

I appreciate that and I hope also :)

Congratulations on hitting 7000 dude and sticking through with it regardless of how tough things were. From looking at your current videos, it looks like you should be able to hit 10,000 by that time. That'd be a real nice birthday present haha. Good luck on your road to the 5 digit number :)

Thank you for all of the kind words and it would be the perfect birthday present :)
7000 sp00ky ghosts... Nice xD
Alright, now before I click the video let me rehearse my satanic ritual one more time... Just in case.

Oh lord Satan my soul belongs to you I will accept you as my king and overlord.

OKAY, Let's go.

Congrats though, man. xD
That's fantastic man. I found 7500-10000 to go pretty quickly (maybe because it was the end of the year which helps a lot :D)

What have you found to be the most helpful thing you've done to get subs? Has it been good SEO? Annotations? Using your videos to promote your other videos? Comments/interactions with other channels?