7 subscribers away from my goal for September

Patrick Harris

You see what I did there?
I set what I thought was a modest goal for September; 25 subs. As we ended August, I had 75 subscribers and I was hoping to make it to 100 before Sept 31st, but we find ourselves at 93 subscribers in the 2nd week of September. Thank you to all of you for that, by the way. Its why I'm having a t-shirt giveaway on my channel.

Also, I am at 81 likes for our fanpage. I haven't really set any goals there, but I would like to make it to at least 100 likes. You guys have been so great to Asia and I, and I can't tell you how much we appreciate it. Thats why we do silly things like letting her put makeup on me; your support means the world to us, so I'm willing to make a fool out of myself from time to time.

So, if you'd like to help us out a bit more, all our links are in my sig. Check out the channel, and if you see something you like, comment. If you love it, subscribe. Then check out our fanpage; if you want a TON of updates, including pictures of not only her engagement ring, but other rings she tried on AND pictures of me in full make up, click LIKE.

Thanks guys.