
I'm wondering If I could network my second channel for behind the scenes and stuff with a different network such as Maker Studios/ RPM, as my main channel is networked with Fullscreen/Vlog Union ?

I don't think so, as in my contract it stated that 'Any new channel you create must be partnered with ___ or it is a violation of your contract'
Legally: depends on your contract. Often networks require any other/new channels are part of them (or they get first right of refusal) as stated in your contract.

In practice: they probably won't notice, and if they do they probably won't care.
Your contract will be able to answer this question. My past contracts with other networks would allow me to partner each individual channel with whatever network I wished to. However if you are unable to do that your contract would state otherwise.
I read my contract completely didn't find anything in it saying that I'm not allowed to do that or either that I'm obliged to partner my other channel with them. So anyways i don't plan on partnering my other channel but was just wondering as it didn't state anything in my contract

If your contract doesn't say otherwise, you could, yes.
I need to go over my contract again and i wanted to partner my second channel with fullscreen after i meet the requirements to join that channel.:p