60k views amonth 160 subs! just under 650k total views


channel keeps growing and growing woot! woot! whats your next milestone? mine is 65k views amonth 170 subs and 700k views
Wow... You must be very happy:)
That is a great milestone, and sure hard to beat:)..
I'm at 30k a month,,

Enjoy your revenue:)
my goal is to survive thanksgiving and the weakened after. Being a family man It puts a major cramp in making videos. All the projects I have had to do in the last weak are boring no fun stuff.
Yeah thats one thing that bugs me about FS. You can only check your earnings a month later....
But check your daily stats, that should give you a good indicator
i do try and go off it but i havent seen how many monitzed views i get with fs yet.. hopefully im not being raped to bad
Oh yeah..
I sent them an email the other day asking for the CPC that I am getting..
No replies so far..

i dont think they work weekends lol will see i messaged them about gorilla campains and they haven't gotten back to me yet. they keep messaging me to do them but it always says us creators only...
CPC is a killer mine normally runs at .15 to .16 but in the last weak it dropped to .11 and stayed there

Bummer..Do you think it is possible to raise ones CPC>[DOUBLEPOST=1353343386,1353343343][/DOUBLEPOST]
i dont think they work weekends lol will see i messaged them about gorilla campains and they haven't gotten back to me yet. they keep messaging me to do them but it always says us creators only...

Have you done any campaigns?..
I have seen lots, but yea that stupid US factor comes into play:D It can be quite nice earning though.. Definitely a way to push your first roll over ammount up