• Please note that all milestone posts must not be of a promotional nature and must conform to the Milestones Forum Rules. All "almost" and "nearly" milestone threads are deleted.

500 Subs! I hope no one unsubs to drop me below 500. I waited three days for the last sub so I could


I Love YTtalk
Sorry if you heard my story before. I'm a volunteer at an animal shelter where I make adoption videos for cats and dogs. Last July I brought their dormant YouTube channel back to life. I was a naive YouTube newbie who thought YouTube success would be easy. My only prior YouTube experience was one video I posted of my dogs that went semi-viral with over 100,000 views. With effort I thought massive success would happen within one year and I would have a really popular channel making money for the shelter to save even more pets.

Boy was I wrong!

I am so happy to get to 500 subs (I started with 247.) I've scaled back my expectations tremendously and I have YTTalk to thank for keeping me going when my expectations did not come close to reality. Thank you all for great advice and helpful support.
Congratulations for reaching 500 subs! It's amazing that you didn't give up and that you have such a noble goal in the first place! :thumbsup2:
Congrats on all the success! I agree getting a channel off the ground can be difficult for sure, but you seem to be doing well!
Congratulations on breaking the half century and more importantly got keeping on going despite how your expectations weren't met. There's not many people that decide to persist through the thick and thin and you deserve all your subscribers for doing so. Wish you the best of luck moving forward with your channel and with the shelter
Congratulations on breaking the half century and more importantly got keeping on going despite how your expectations weren't met. There's not many people that decide to persist through the thick and thin and you deserve all your subscribers for doing so. Wish you the best of luck moving forward with your channel and with the shelter

Thank you so much. I've noticed that you always give such nice thoughtful comments to people on YTTalk. You are a real asset to the community.