2PElite Gaming Network

The Mahano

YTtalk Mad

Hey guys im from a network called 2P Elite, we are a gaming network and we help out our recrutes, we cannot give Partnership (Banners, Custom Thumbnails .Ect) but we will be able to soon.

Why Join Use?

We have over 200 Partners Worldwide we have our own graffix designers, Intro creators and more, we will help you get partnered by better networks such as machinema, RPM, SocialBlade and much more.

What Do You Get?

You get access to free intros, music samples, backgrounds and alot more.

Reward System?

We are the only network with its own reward system, you can earn custom music, to custom backgrounds for free.


Website: http : //2pelite . tk/

Offical Channel: http :// www . youtube.com / user / 2PEliteNetwork​
Official Server: http : // vote4mc . com / . 2P Elite Hunger Games , We are a Premium minecraft Server !​
Check Us Out For More Info​
Not this again....
"We have over 200 Partners Worldwide" these sentences contradict each other
we will help you get partnered by better networks such as machinema, RPM, SocialBlade and much more."​
and graphics*​

And I know the format of this post is messed up but it doesn`t seem to be fix when I change it.
I like how this network is apparently about helping you get into other networks. Receiving partnership means you would be locked-in. Lol.
Have these advertised like this before? I'm sure I saw a previous post about them.
Don't think so if the contract is leave anytime.

Yes, but if they are affiliates of another network, which I'm sure was mentioned in a previous post, then they would have contracts binding them to the parent's companies CMS.
They arn`t though lol, they have no contact with any networks...

Yeah, I know, thats the funny thing lol. But even if they did manage to, they would most likely become affiliated with a parent network. Though I highly doubt it.