• Please note that all milestone posts must not be of a promotional nature and must conform to the Milestones Forum Rules. All "almost" and "nearly" milestone threads are deleted.

2000 Subs in 5 months!


I Love YTtalk
I woke up with a big smile, gaining 17 new subscribers and finding out I passed a big milestone for me. I spent 4 months, creating 22 videos, grinding and experimenting to figure out how to grow to 1k subscribers. But just one month after, with only 4 more videos I hit 2000. This milestone means more to me than 1k subscribers. A good 150 or so of my first 1000 subscribers are friends or acquaintances I kinda persuaded to subscribe to my channel, and I know they're not my target audience and most of them are probably dead subs. But from 1k to 2k I know 99% of them are subs I gained naturally. I know I got lucky with this milestone since I got one video that went semi-viral, but to me if I can hit 2000, I know it's only a matter of time until I hit 3k, 4k... all the way to 10k by the end of 2017. I have a realistic goal of hitting 3k by the end of November.

Lastly I just wanna thank everyone in this community for all your help, support and tips. I joined this forum during my first 2 weeks with around 200 subs mostly from friends, and now I have grown 10 times. Can't be thankful enough.
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It looks like that balances out to around 1 sub per 35 views. Not too shabby, especially with less than 30 videos. I'm coming up on 200 videos and still have less than 100 and have somewhere like close to 1 sub per around 60-ish views. But then I don't make 'self help' type, so it's a completely different niche.
It looks like that balances out to around 1 sub per 35 views. Not too shabby, especially with less than 30 videos. I'm coming up on 200 videos and still have less than 100 and have somewhere like close to 1 sub per around 60-ish views. But then I don't make 'self help' type, so it's a completely different niche.

Yup that 1 sub per 35 views has been consistent for the past 3 months. I ask myself often how can I get 35 million different people to check out my videos. Lol cuz theoretically if I can solve that answer I'd have 1 million subscribers.

Your niche makes a big difference. Before starting my channel I applied what I know about economics and supply and demand. There's too many people out there who just makes videos about what they love without considering any other factors. Now that's fine if you really don't care about growing and you have some other reason for having a channel. But if you're not growing like you want to, and you truly think the quality of your videos are amazing, then consider if you are selling ice cream in winter. It doesn't matter how delicious your ice cream is, it could be the best in the world, you shouldn't complain why you aren't getting a lot of sales in winter.

This is why I tell people to come up with a list of things in demand, another list of what things you love, and another list of things you're an expert in, and then see what things intersects in the middle. If you find any, these are the best candidates for making a channel. I'm not writing this specifically for you, just saying my thoughts about this subject.
man you definitive deserve it! Your videos are very helpful and informative and one can see that you've put a lot of work and thought in them! I'm 100% certain that this is only the begging for you my man :)
man you definitive deserve it! Your videos are very helpful and informative and one can see that you've put a lot of work and thought in them! I'm 100% certain that this is only the begging for you my man :)

Thanks, like every Youtuber I have my doubts, but I certainly hope so!

Congrats. Very well deserved.

Thanks! Hard work pays off

That's fantastic! Congratulations!

Thanks, I've been secretly playing catch up to you for a good 2 months :) I'll be there to congratulate you on your 2k!