I Love YTtalk
I woke up with a big smile, gaining 17 new subscribers and finding out I passed a big milestone for me. I spent 4 months, creating 22 videos, grinding and experimenting to figure out how to grow to 1k subscribers. But just one month after, with only 4 more videos I hit 2000. This milestone means more to me than 1k subscribers. A good 150 or so of my first 1000 subscribers are friends or acquaintances I kinda persuaded to subscribe to my channel, and I know they're not my target audience and most of them are probably dead subs. But from 1k to 2k I know 99% of them are subs I gained naturally. I know I got lucky with this milestone since I got one video that went semi-viral, but to me if I can hit 2000, I know it's only a matter of time until I hit 3k, 4k... all the way to 10k by the end of 2017. I have a realistic goal of hitting 3k by the end of November.
Lastly I just wanna thank everyone in this community for all your help, support and tips. I joined this forum during my first 2 weeks with around 200 subs mostly from friends, and now I have grown 10 times. Can't be thankful enough.
Lastly I just wanna thank everyone in this community for all your help, support and tips. I joined this forum during my first 2 weeks with around 200 subs mostly from friends, and now I have grown 10 times. Can't be thankful enough.
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