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20 Subs, and 800 + views!!!

I know this isnt huge numbers, but ever since I started vlogging three times weekly I've doubled my subs with just 5 videos! I look forward to developing more of my own style and creating better, entertaining vlogs! :)
Well done man! Hitting 20, 25, 30 subscribers is all a really big milestone when starting out, even when I gain one more and hit 110 I'd consider that a big milestone. Though, I don't make X Amount of Subscriber videos for each milestone like that because I think that'd get annoying. I think I'll next to do one at 150 or 200.

Keep it up though. :)
Congratulations on hitting those numbers, even though they aren't super huge in the millions, but everyone has to start somewhere and that's great you were able to grow from just those 5 videos to what you have now already! Keep on aspiring and the world will be yours :)
Your unique style of entertaining others will definitely bring more subs and views to your channel. Congratulations and all the best :)