Other 16 UK new youtuber, looking to clolab with american


New Member
I only started uploading about a week ago, i am 16 and have only 26 subs but I am looking to colab with other countries to expand my audience anyone american would be great .

the kind of thngs i do are:
some gaming
and will soon be starting:
Music Satire
Animation mini series

anyone who would like to do something like that with me would be class my channel is Bit.ly/everythingevans if you want to email me my email is everythingevans.yt@gmail.com or drop me a comment
Thank you very much! I have actually just posted my second video and a new colab would be perfect.
make sure to check it out :p and drop me an email if you're still interested in collaborating.

P.S. thank you very much for telling me about my channel link
Welcome Levo to this wonderful community :D
LOlzz u made challenge on drinking cat food hahaha LOLzz
Good job anyway :p
I may not have a lot of subscribers, but I'm looking to collaborate and would be willing to with you. Reply whenever you get thissss
dude your the first person I found who's my age , the same country , and I only have 30 subs and then you want American's aah disappointing haha ! just kidding , if there's any chance in the future you'd be willing to do one with someone in the uk , drop me a message:)