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1000subs in 3 months


Active Member
Took me 3 months, 48 videos and 16 live stream sessions to get here.

1000 subs with 100,000 views.

I honestly hope my next 1000 isn't going to take another 3 months.

What does it mean to have 1000 subs?

Please feel free to make comments! I'd love to know what everyone else have to say.
Holy shoot, that's really fast. Don't get impatient, your growth is exponential ;) Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there.
that's wonderful! i think i saw you around here when you had just started posting on here. congratulations on your success! 1000 in three months is very impressive!! keep up the consistency and i'm sure you'll continue to grow!
Super amazing, Congrats. Keep up the good work and will be more subscribers and many people who will like an appreciate your work. Because any channel deserve to have audience and to make happy you by people who really care about your channel who waiting your new videos.
CONGRATS!! That is so awesome! Checking out your channel now, good stuff! WLC as Doozy Animation! Are you close to your watch time for monetization?
Hi, thanks for checking out my channel. I'm getting there, but still short on watch time hours.[DOUBLEPOST=1550202044,1550201976][/DOUBLEPOST]
Holy shoot, that's really fast. Don't get impatient, your growth is exponential ;) Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there.
Thanks for the response! Is it really that fast? I mean, I spent a lot of time and made a lot of content to get here. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it since I barley make any money from it, yet I'm doing it full time.[DOUBLEPOST=1550202101][/DOUBLEPOST]
that's wonderful! i think i saw you around here when you had just started posting on here. congratulations on your success! 1000 in three months is very impressive!! keep up the consistency and i'm sure you'll continue to grow!
Thank you so much! Consistency is hard to keep up with, especially when I ran out of video ideas after 55 videos.[DOUBLEPOST=1550202124][/DOUBLEPOST]
Super amazing, Congrats. Keep up the good work and will be more subscribers and many people who will like an appreciate your work. Because any channel deserve to have audience and to make happy you by people who really care about your channel who waiting your new videos.