Spenner11 Loving YTtalk Sep 16, 2012 #1 Thankyou sooo much everybody for helping us reach 1000 views in such a small space of time. it means a lot thank you
Thankyou sooo much everybody for helping us reach 1000 views in such a small space of time. it means a lot thank you
BigzZ Posting Mad! Sep 16, 2012 #4 Congrats! and keep up the good work! before you know it there will be a few more zeros at the end of that number
Congrats! and keep up the good work! before you know it there will be a few more zeros at the end of that number
Bigcheezit210 Forever Alone Member Sep 16, 2012 #6 Congrats! You have to start somewhere, I remember how happy I was when I received my first 1000 views.
Congrats! You have to start somewhere, I remember how happy I was when I received my first 1000 views.
Spenner11 Loving YTtalk Sep 17, 2012 #7 Youre right you got to start somewhere, we're on 1193 now! thanks for the support guys, it means a lot
Youre right you got to start somewhere, we're on 1193 now! thanks for the support guys, it means a lot