• Please note that all milestone posts must not be of a promotional nature and must conform to the Milestones Forum Rules. All "almost" and "nearly" milestone threads are deleted.

1000 Subscribers!!


Just hit 1000 subscribers yesterday! I know that my channel is minuscule in the sea of channels out there, but it still feels awesome! I initially set this goal to be reached by the end of 2016, but I ended up hitting it after five months of starting my channel. Now my next goal is to hit 10,000! Thanks and I wish you all the best of luck!
Nice work! I'm getting close to that number as well I can't wait! Congrats, and not sure how you can eat all that food and stay in shape that would make me so tired =)
Congratulations!! :D What great news to wake up to ^_^ Hoping mine will follow a similar course over the next month!
Just hit 1000 subscribers yesterday! I know that my channel is minuscule in the sea of channels out there, but it still feels awesome! I initially set this goal to be reached by the end of 2016, but I ended up hitting it after five months of starting my channel. Now my next goal is to hit 10,000! Thanks and I wish you all the best of luck!
Seriously WOW! Congrats on that, how did you do it so quickly?! Congratulations on all the hard work and dedication you've put into your content creation and channel. My wife and I feature channels on our website/blog and wanted to offer you the chance. Message me if you're interested in having your channel featured. Keep up the great work!
Congratulations @CHIBADB

That's the one milestone I have in my head that I want to reach. It's the first significant milestone I'm awaiting and from what I've read others say, YouTube starts ranking your videos higher once you reach it.

Hope you start to see traffic increase to your channel :)