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100.000+ views for the first 3 weeks


Hey guys,
I just want to share my happiness with you because the last 3 weeks were a really crazy experience for me. Like i said, i started my youtube channel 3 weeks ago and i had no idea were this was going. Of course i had come expectations because i thought i started well prepared, but reaching a milestone like that after 3 weeks is just crazy.

I remember reaching 10.000 views at my second day on youtube and thats were i started to set a 50.000 views goal for my first month, but i would have never thought that i could reach twice as much after just 3 weeks.

Subscribers come in slowly, but thats expected since i dont have that many videos after three weeks and people still need to figure out that im gonna keep uploading content on my channel. The thumbs up/down ratio is like 98% positive, which is really crazy as well.

EDIT: My total views number is not updated yet, because youtube is kinda slow at that. But the views on my videos are updated and together they are 103.000 views, just in case you wondering.
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Wow dude, that is some seriously massive growth, some of the best that I've actually seen on these forums. Great job capitalizing on League of Legends and on the skins as I imagine there aren't that many channels out there that create videos like that. Good luck moving forward with your channel :)
Great job capitalizing on League of Legends and on the skins as I imagine there aren't that many channels out there that create videos like that. Good luck moving forward with your channel :)

Thank you man. Yeah, exactly, i saw the niche and the demand for that and i tried to get my foot in there. Didnt expect it to blow up like that though, at least not so fast. I would have been a very happy man with just 1/10 of the views at this point.
Wow, that sounds insane for a new YouTube channel! Congratulations on that! I wish your channel to continue growing! Good job! :)
That's crazy dude! I'm interested in custom league skins (as long as they wont get me banned haha) so I'll check your channel out!