Commentary 1.7k Subs Looking for Collab


Hey, I'm looking for another youtuber to collab with. The majority of my videos are reactions to weird, awkward and funny videos. I'm looking for another guy to co-commentary with on the reaction videos. It's basically a comedy channel.

I also do some gaming videos, but it's not the main focus.

I am looking for another guy with 1k+ plus subs
Hey, I'm looking for another youtuber to collab with. The majority of my videos are reactions to weird, awkward and funny videos. I'm looking for another guy to co-commentary with on the reaction videos. It's basically a comedy channel.

I also do some gaming videos, but it's not the main focus.

I am looking for another guy with 1k+ plus subs

I would but don't have 1k subs. Good luck though
Hey, I would be interested if you want. My channel is also comedy oriented even though it's more about acting than commenting =)
Hey!! I would LOVE to do comedy commentary! But I do not have 1k subs let us know how it goes though! Sounds loads of fun and craziness