$0,00 Transactions, Why?


Hello Guys!

I hope I am in the right forum for this and this is probably a very noobish question but I am completly new to Monetization and all that. I got some videos online and it shows me earnings for last and this month but my transactions are always at $0,00. Now I am wondering if there is a limit to how much you have to earn before they start transfering money or if they do not have access to my bank account? I hope this the answers to this is not too obvious and that you might be able to help me :)

and then I will get those 100$ or will it then start at 0,00$ and will pay me any additional money? Also: Does it have to be 100$ in 1 month or overall?
Hello Guys!

I hope I am in the right forum for this and this is probably a very noobish question but I am completly new to Monetization and all that. I got some videos online and it shows me earnings for last and this month but my transactions are always at $0,00. Now I am wondering if there is a limit to how much you have to earn before they start transfering money or if they do not have access to my bank account? I hope this the answers to this is not too obvious and that you might be able to help me :)


There is often a limit on the amount of revenue you must reach before your paid. Usually its $100 and I'm assuming your on basic Adsense monetization which follows this same amount. Reach this and you will be payed :)

Also feel free to make an introductory post here: http://yttalk.com/forums/introduce-yourself.4/ as thats always recommended for your first post

EDIT* I'm too slow at typing and Shane answered it perfectly :D
Thanks a lot guys :) I'm gonna write an introductory later this day, thanks for the quick answers :) so I'll get the 100$ when i reach them?
Yeah normally you have to earn 100$ before you can really have your hands on it. Some have it down to 50$. So it really depends with the network but i guess the minimum is 50$ but normally 100$
Are you talking about Transactions in your Analytics? It is for Rentals if you're enabled for the feature.