سينما العرب

سينما العرب ..
لجديد الافلام والبرامج المشوقه والمثيره
لمزيد من الأفلام ارجو زيارة قناتنا على اليوتيوب
ارجو الأشتراك والتقيم
Added translation:

Arab cinema .. For new movies and interesting programs and exciting. For more films please visit our channel on YouTube. www.youtube.com/user/cinemaarabtv. Please subscribe and Rating
Moved to Video and Channel Promotion forum. Please post an English version with any Arabic so everyone can understand your posts. Thank you.

In Arabic:

انتقل الى فيديو وقناة المنتدى الترويج. الرجاء نشر إصدار اللغة الإنجليزية مع أي اللغة العربية لكي يتمكن الجميع من فهم مشاركاتك. شكرا لك.
I've translated it (I was interested in what it said), here's the English version:

"Arab cinema .. For new movies and interesting programs and exciting. For more films please visit our channel on YouTube. www.youtube.com/user/cinemaarabtv. Please subscribe and Rating"

I know it's not completely accurate but... Well what can you expect from Google Translate. ;) Hope I helped none-the-less,
~ TMDxProductionz
I've translated it (I was interested in what it said), here's the English version:

"Arab cinema .. For new movies and interesting programs and exciting. For more films please visit our channel on YouTube. www.youtube.com/user/cinemaarabtv. Please subscribe and Rating"

I know it's not completely accurate but... Well what can you expect from Google Translate. ;) Hope I helped none-the-less,
~ TMDxProductionz

Added the translation for them :)