
  1. Nicky Furmage

    Filmora Wandershare at 1080p 60fps?

    Hi guys I currently use wandershare for my videos but im looking at upgrading my camera to a canon g7x. If i shoot at 1080p 60fps will wandershare be ok for this? Thoughts please?
  2. Byjenkz

    Which one is better to do for my channel

    im starting a YouTube channel I have got a blue snowball ice mic with studio effects to make it sound good with a stand and pop filter And have got a pc with 16gb ram , fx 6300 processor and a rx 480 8gb , also I have got an Xbox one with a hd pvr My question is would you upgrade the...
  3. mavio

    better PC or better equipment?

    Hey I have around 400 euros to spend and improve my channel quality. My mic is crap (20 euro trust mic), my facecam is my mobile phone which stops recording after 20 min or so. I also have a laptop from 2012 which can't run any decent game from 2014 onwards. My question is should I invest in...
  4. Michael

    YTtalk Upgraded

    Hey everyone, YTtalk has just undergone an upgrade and we have a few new great features that I think you will love: Thread Tagging: When creating a thread you can now add tags to your thread, just like when you add tags to your videos you can help others find what you have posted by tagging...