undertale animation

  1. Beuble

    Animation COLLABORATION pour une animation style FAN MAP sur une chanson de votre choix pour youtube.

    On Undertale, BATIM and Cuphead. Search for facilitators (pro, beginner or intermediate, French or English). I would like to do a card on a song of your choice and start with the first part. An animation in black, white and gray tones constantly moving if you can so that it does not have a lag...
  2. HypedAlexGamer

    Animation Undertale FanMade Film -Help Needed-

    What The Film Is? So on my YouTube Channel I have an undertale film going on and I have lot of info on it links at the bottom of this post. So I am looking for animators that can help animate the film. The film is about all 3 Undertale Endings in 1 story line (very complicated but I can explain...