
  1. H

    Astrology Love Spells That Work Instantly With 100% Proven Results +27788392740

    I URGENTLY NEED A REAL LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME BRING BACK MY EX LOVER AND RESTORE MY MARRIAGE +27788392740 Hello my name is Victoria from USA New York, I want to testify to the general public how my relationship was restored back by the great power’s of Hakeem after three months of...
  2. Stefanie Davis

    How I felt the last time I went speed dating...

    You know how art imitates life or something like that? Well I went speed dating a couple years ago and decided to make a short film exaggerating how awkward it was. Enjoy!
  3. SinLeviathan

    10 Ways To Get Over That Break Up

  4. Altairsfriend

    Advise for those of us with Significant Others.

    Include them in your process! Or you will never know just how much fun it is to create something with someone else, and it is this enthusiasm that viewers love to see. Having someone to share this with is amazing, and above all else it can be a relationship strengthener.
  5. Kecha.L


    Some call me the under qualified, I prefer to use the term "relationship guru in training" So I made this video and I would love to get some feedback!
  6. Amber lynx

    ask amber

    i would like to have an advice column but i dont have any questions yet. anyone need any advice? if so can i have the permission to address your question but anonymously i wont mention your name just question and answer.
  7. SR Slice

    Twerking for Football - Vlog 2

    Doing Weekly Vlogs that highlight our week and we've been getting a great response! We love Vlogging!