
  1. Adventure Campitelli

    We left our cushy jobs to travel the world

    We left our jobs to travel the world with our children. We are currently on week 8. Do you think this was a mistake or do you agree with our decision? So far our biggest issues has been laundry, internet access, and children education.
  2. Caroll

    Opinion on Starting Over

    Do you think it's good for channels with very little to no audience retention to start over? I've been wondering for a while now if I should just start over, I have 179 subscribers and demographics show that only about 10 of my subscribers even watch my videos. I know Ethan from CrankGameplays...
  3. faXcooL

    Machinima - unlink request

    I assume I'm not the only one who asked this, probably I won't be the last one either, but I wanna know if anyone has any experience with unlinking from Mahcinima? I was trying to reach them out, sent a ticket, some guy answered to me saying that he has let those guys know that I'm trying to...
  4. P

    Giving up

    Folks, it's over. I tried to make good music that would reflect on a mood someone was feeling whether good, bad, or sad. I did cover songs that are well known and my vocals are up to par with being able to sing them. I just think I don't have what it takes to be a musician. So, I quit. Throwing...