keyword research

  1. Videostat

    Videostat - Statistics service for working with YouTube channels and videos

    NEW & FREE Free Statistics service for working with YouTube channels and videos Get a detailed analysis with an assessment of the popularity of YouTube channels and videos by several parameters with the ability to filter and sort in a convenient format Current data Get...
  2. Zeyad Shaban

    How to target one or more keywords at my video?

    - I'm currently doing a course to teach beginners how to code - This course may also help people who are already programmers but want to learn a new programming language (Called JavaScript) So I want to rank for both "Learn to code for beginners" And "learn JavaScript for beginners" *Note that...
  3. F

    Advice on SEO & Growth

    Hi guys, Short story I've been uploading videos for about 10 months now and I'm about 150 something subscribers. I'm looking forward to creating content that is being more sought after and, consequently, more wanted. Therefore, I'm looking for some advice on SEO & keyword research. I've been...
  4. B

    Using only keywords which are googled X amount of times / month?

    I heard that when doing keywords you should first check in google keyword planner if the specific keyword has a substantial search volume - meaning if it's searched enough times per month to be prudent to use it - and than not use it if it's not searched X amount of times per month. Now...
  5. Morbidejs

    How I do keyword research. What is your method?

    Since I watched one video about, how to rank high in the YouTube search, I started to develop my own way, how I do keyword research and SEO. And it has really helped me to bring traffic to my channel! I use Google keyword planner to find main keyword that match my content. I write down all the...