creative nation partnership

  1. DTSocietyTV

    Creative Nation MCN Gone?

    Anyone know what happened with the MCN Creative Nation? I was with them for about 3 years and I think they're...gone? The website always said be back soon, but now its just not there. Their payments were never on time, but now they are not paying at all. Its been around 4 months of no payment. I...
  2. Sullygaming

    Creative Nation MCN

    Hello guys please forgive if my thread in the wrong place i recently have a problem with creative nation i joined this network year ago and they never reply to any of my emails i didnt care as long as they pay me but this month they suspended my account and stole my youtube earning i dont know...
  3. Michael

    Creative Nation MCN Payment Problems Not Being Paid on Time, Poor Communication

    Has anyone at YTtalk who is partnered by Creative Nation been having problems getting paid by them? I and so many others including their highest earning partners keep having monthly issues with not being paid on time and the whole staff going silent and no longer responding to support tickets...