channel direction

  1. The Paranormal Scholar

    Channel collapsing in a week, blip?

    Hello, Our channel is almost a year and a half old. Recently we have been pushing to expand our growth. Over the past month and a half we have been making two videos a week which have all been received positively and our growth was good. However, last Friday we put up a video about occultism...
  2. Mogawty

    Kinda lost at the moment...

    This is my first post here on YTTalk, I'm mostly a reader/lurker, but I wanted to get some thoughts out and see if anyone has some advice for me. I've been doing YouTube seriously for almost a year now (in the gaming "niche" surprise). I think I've done okay for myself, but at the moment I'm...
  3. Xanco

    Should I Restart With YouTube Due To New Direction And Long Period Away?

    Some quick backstory, my channel was focused on game development/modding tutorials then earlier this year I decided that the channel will go in new direction, focusing on; consumer advocacy, game first impressions and some gaming news - after about a year of not uploading. I've made my old...