The YTtalk Team

Learn all about the YTtalk team, who we are, what we do at YTtalk and how to get in contact us.

If you are interested in becoming a member of staff yourself make sure to get in touch with us and express an interest, we will add you to our interested lists which are used when selecting new staff members.

What do Administrators do?

At present we have one Administrator, his duties include maintaining the site to ensure it runs smoothly for everyone, moderating the forums, engaging regularly with our members and doing his utmost to ensure the growth of our community.


Hey my name's Crown and I am YTtalk's Administrator. I am passionate about YTtalk and love seeing our members learning and sharing their knowledge here. I am fascinated by YouTube and the online video industry, isnt it amazing that you can upload your videos so quickly and potentially reach such massive audiences?

Feel free to send me a message via PM on the forums, through our contact form.

What do Moderators do?

Moderators are carefully selected members of the community who dedicate some of their free time to ensure the forums run smoothly and are free of spam. They deal with reported posts, member queries and do a great job at keeping YTtalk tidy.


What's up everybody? Welcome to YTTalk! I'm Shendijiro or Shendi for short, one of the moderators here. I have been on Youtube for a while but I am still learning. If you don't see me around I am either, recording, editing, training (I'm a freaking ninja!), at work or simply being a lazy potato!

Don't be afraid to ask me a question, I am always up to help you out or you can simply say hi! I don't bite :3

Katy Adelson

Hi, my name is Katy. I am a moderator at YTTalk, and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this forum. I love music and look forward to reading your forum posts!

Feel free to say "Hello!" =)
