YouTube suggesting videos?

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Hi Everyone,
I was just wondering how many views, subs, etc it takes for YouTube to start recommending your videos? Our Channel has about 73 subs and about 1300 total views and 50 hours watched so im not sure how that fares with YouTube's algorithm. Please let me know if you know what it takes to get recommended.

Thank so much!
I was actually looking into this a while back and found not a lot.

Recommended list on the home page tends to serve what you've subscribed to mainly and what you tend to watch mostly and everything else the algorithm chooses.

User past browsing history + relevant but best performing videos = everything else that user not subbed and/or not viewed recently.

I went as far as testing it out by searching a topic I wouldn't normally look for... golf balls! lol I couldn't place correlation besides my Recommended slowly filling up with anything relating to golf because of what I watched. Those videos did seem better performing; views, comments, subs and some recommend (on the suggested list on the video page) from the same channel.

So no clue beyond that.
I was actually looking into this a while back and found not a lot.

Recommended list on the home page tends to serve what you've subscribed to mainly and what you tend to watch mostly and everything else the algorithm chooses.

User past browsing history + relevant but best performing videos = everything else that user not subbed and/or not viewed recently.

I went as far as testing it out by searching a topic I wouldn't normally look for... golf balls! lol I couldn't place correlation besides my Recommended slowly filling up with anything relating to golf because of what I watched. Those videos did seem better performing; views, comments, subs and some recommend (on the suggested list on the video page) from the same channel.

So no clue beyond that.

okay thanks for the insight! ill have to do some research too to see if i can find anything else. Thanks!!
You will get recommended on channels and videos of your size. As you grow, so will the recommendations. More or less. There's a few kinks in it though. Biggest kink is the more traffic you generate, the more Yt will dvert it into "better" videos that will keep viewers in the viewing stream.
You will get recommended on channels and videos of your size. As you grow, so will the recommendations. More or less. There's a few kinks in it though. Biggest kink is the more traffic you generate, the more Yt will dvert it into "better" videos that will keep viewers in the viewing stream.
okay that makes sense! thanks!