Youtube partners only aloud for custom thumbnails?!?!

I was just wondering about you guys opinion on this. Is it a good thing or a bad thing do you think. I mean not everyone can be a youtube partner like you or me!:crying:

I had custom thumbnails before i was a partner, i think they just give them too u nowadays if you have no copyright strikes and have been a member for over 30 days
I was just wondering about you guys opinion on this. Is it a good thing or a bad thing do you think. I mean not everyone can be a youtube partner like you or me!:crying:
No, anyone can get them they`re given out randomly to non-partners , plus I say this all the time partnership is or at least used to be for those you really put effort into their channel and that was why they got the extra fearures, So work on your channel and you could be a partner but because you arn`t a partner doesnt mean you deserve what they have...
No, anyone can get them they`re given out randomly to non-partners , plus I say this all the time partnership is or at least used to be for those you really put effort into their channel and that was why they got the extra fearures, So work on your channel and you could be a partner but because you arn`t a partner doesnt mean you deserve what they have...
Not used it still is just depends on who and the situation;).

Also you don't say that all the time that would be impossible unless they are the only words you know:D.
the custom thumbnails can be available through standard partnership which is gained through adsence