Youtube game idea

Having majour problems with my PC at the moment. Sent this via work. Having some pretty bad luck lately T_T

Thank god I backed everything up!
Ok. Kinda glad my PC died. Updating from my phone. I thought I would use this time to ensure everything is fine so I sent an email to a FF website who forwarded my query to Steve Jackson himself!! Understandably I cant use the material unless I pay loads due to copyright etc. Even if I state all over the game that im taking no credit and even advertise there sites etc. Which makes sense but no harm in asking lol. To be honest its really cool to get an email from the author anyway.
So I will write my own story and go from there. Should be slightly easier too as I was having trouble trying to find which page goes where in his book lol

Sorry for delays. Shame I cant use a well known story to grab interest. So I just have to hope mine is just as good or near enough anyway lol