Writing for Collaborations


I've Got It
So I'm working on a script with a fellow youtuber. But writing for two characters, which have a lot of back and forth is incredibly hard and we are going to have a scripted conversation. It's not like we can bounce off eachother in the same room because I'm Aussie and he's American.

How do you write a script that is cohesive between two people, and able to give the impression that the conversations are somewhat fluid? (And yes. I'm going to send the script to him, and he's going to message back with changes, and we will tweak)
Well, first, i would say, it would depend on what you are scripting for? A survival co-op? A story driven game? Maybe a skit?

Second- Maybe try a practice run between you two! Its always fun, and you pick it up, also, remember, it may be scripted, but act out in fun, and as if you are yoloburgering! And remember dude, itll be all okay, if you dont get mad, have fun! :D
It's a discussion on the nature of video game sequels and looking at one example, that I won't spoil :) It's both serious, but it's going to have a complete underlying of comedy, which is mainly based on us picking fun at eachother in all manners of ways.
Hmmmm, id be careful on that one. sounds legit busy...well, practice good sir! :D remember, screw attack gets it right, so YOU CAN TOO! :D
What you could try is recording all of your own part and then sending the clips to your partner and ask them to watch it and then record their part so that it would fit in with yours.

For example:
You - I hate video game sequels
Them - (They can then record) But I loveee video game sequels
You - They undermine the original story

Once you have all the clips, edit it together and see if it turns out ok :)
Id do it via Skype. Just pick sides and work out what you want to say. If the 2 of you naturally make fun of each other then the comedic moments will happen as per normal. If you don't usually converse that way then it will seem forced and scripted and therefore a little bit naff.
Id do it via Skype. Just pick sides and work out what you want to say. If the 2 of you naturally make fun of each other then the comedic moments will happen as per normal. If you don't usually converse that way then it will seem forced and scripted and therefore a little bit naff.
Either video chat for the most accurate feel of each other or do it over instant messaging.
Id do it via Skype. Just pick sides and work out what you want to say. If the 2 of you naturally make fun of each other then the comedic moments will happen as per normal. If you don't usually converse that way then it will seem forced and scripted and therefore a little bit naff.
Got to agree. Back and forth on this kind of video does not help