What YouTubers Inspire You?

Prestigeiskey or TmarTn both are because Prestigeiskey comes from about the same background as me and TmarTn is originally from a place about an hour from where I live and I use that as inspiration that I might one day be able to be as big as him too.
Prestigeiskey or TmarTn both are because Prestigeiskey comes from about the same background as me and TmarTn is originally from a place about an hour from where I live and I use that as inspiration that I might one day be able to be as big as him too.

Oh that's cool. Having people in a close degree to you having achieved success will definitely kick you on, so keep going at it! :D
There are numerous people who truly inspired me. The list includes, Jontron, Game Grumps, AVGN, Shadypenguinn, jacksfilms, the list goes on.
My main inspiration are a lot of LP'ers and one anime reviewer, Douchebagchocolate , these people I look up too to help me put up more videos for people to enjoy
I would have to go with my homie Swoozie. He's the reason I changed my major in college from acting to filmmaking. I wanted to create better content, and push towards being a Youtuber.
emmablackery, b/c she's one of the only vloggers i've stayed with as I've grown up (found her in middle school and still watch her) and lukeisnotsexy, probably because he makes me think of the 11th doctor from doctor who.... LOL
zefrank, vlogbrothers, wheezywaiter, gracehelbig, in terms of big ones. But I am just as inspired by some of the people on ytalk because they aren't so far removed. They are making great content but they not have a million people doting on them and twenty things to sell in each video. Also they remember the struggle of starting out
I'd say CaptainSparklez, Game Grumps for sure, Jacksfilms, and NigaHiga. If only I were smart enough to make a super channel where I play Minecraft while I talk about sex and correct peoples grammar while talking really fast. Damnit, that's genius! CaptainGrumpfilmsFuq would the channel name... Copyright!