What do you think of this idea?


New Member
Hi, one of my favourite channels is TotalBiscuit, specifically his podcast and "WTF is"

I was thinking about creating a channel that runs along the same basis of "WTF is" but I would go through the free to play games on steam. There are a lot of free to play games, and some people simply do not have the time to try them out, and they just want to play a good game.

I have a lot of knowledge about games, including options, gameplay mechanics, what's been done, what's unique, etc. I feel I could add an insightful look into the free to play section.

Do you think this is a good idea?

Do you have any games from the free to play section you've particular wanted to know more about?
First of all, you can do something similar to "WTF is" but don't copy it because why would people watch your "WTF is" instead of TotalBiscuits. I'm not saying don't do something similar, just get an original name for the series and add something to make it your own. Now for games i would recommend: Blacklight: Retribution, Unturned, Hawken. those are my favorite free to play games and i would definitely check the videos out if i saw these games on your videos. Quite popular free to play games on steam as well.
First of all, you can do something similar to "WTF is" but don't copy it because why would people watch your "WTF is" instead of TotalBiscuits. I'm not saying don't do something similar, just get an original name for the series and add something to make it your own. Now for games i would recommend: Blacklight: Retribution, Unturned, Hawken. those are my favorite free to play games and i would definitely check the videos out if i saw these games on your videos. Quite popular free to play games on steam as well.

Hey, thanks for you reply. I have thought about how I can make my videos differ from TotalBiscuit, to do this I plan on having my own unique format which will help people get a good understanding of the game, so it does differ from "WTF is".

Thanks for your suggestions, I will start working on a video soon :)
Seems like a good idea! Yeah, just separate yourself, and it seems you already have by checking out games on Steam. Tapping into the indie game scene would definitely put you in a niche audience, so smart stuff!
I think this is a great idea! It's not always easy to tell from the steam store pages how limited the games are without DLC or how much fun a fully free player is going to have.