What am I doing wrong?


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I'm generally very patient but I'm starting to lose it.. I've been posting regular content to what I consider a good quality for a good few months, and yet I get 1 subscriber every few days. I try my best to advertise myself - I link all my videos here, I tweet them out which also goes out to my Facebook. And yet I'm on 78 subs (not complaining about that) but I'm just growing so slowly. And it frustrates me when I see people with like 5 videos but 100s of subs.. Please give some advice!
I'm generally very patient but I'm starting to lose it.. I've been posting regular content to what I consider a good quality for a good few months, and yet I get 1 subscriber every few days. I try my best to advertise myself - I link all my videos here, I tweet them out which also goes out to my Facebook. And yet I'm on 78 subs (not complaining about that) but I'm just growing so slowly. And it frustrates me when I see people with like 5 videos but 100s of subs.. Please give some advice!
I am right there with you, man! I'm doing exactly the same things you are.

I've tried asking others where else they post their videos so I could use those sites as well, but no replies.

I've recently branched out onto Reddit and got a few views from there (no subs though, I think).

I have a bit less subs than you do though, so dunno if my advice could help you.

btw, when did you start actively posting on your channel? :]

ALSO, I saw your new intro from fxchannel. the rebrand will be great! I hired him to rebrand my channel too last Thursday :D
The one key thing people tend to do bad in when starting YT is patience. It WILL take a very very very long time to build up your sub count whether it be 6 months or 6 years. You have to keep doing what you're doing and care about the subscribers you have now. Don't worry about other people and how they might have more subs than you. Use that time to actually plan out your next video or how you can advertise your videos further. Just be consistent with your videos and keep doing what you are doing :)
Please give some advice![/quote]

I haven't viewed all your content yet...

With your signature video as a reference, (mine-craft?) I'd say you're in a saturated market. As such, slow-growth is likely to result. You're doing the best you can my marketing yourself in a multi-socialmedia context.

What's wrong with slow growth?

More important than sub counts, is how engaged your subs are? With those 78, do they all watch every new video you make? If not, pander lightly to them to keep them as engaged possible, but begin thinking of focusing your efforts to gain new ones?

Instead of creating new content, market your existing content to new potential viewers? What's the point of owning a library, if everyone only comes to "read" your newest "book" once, and then not delve into some of your other material?

Hope this helps.

Best Wishes,

Just gotta keep in mind that there is a massive amount of competition out there, because everyone wants to make it on YouTube. I get like 1 sub a month if I'm lucky! Yet I continue on because although an audience, views, likes and comments would be hella nice they arn't why I make videos. I make them because I love it. I sincerely think if you are doing it for the fame or money and not for the passion you have for it then you're doing it for the wrong reasons.
Just Work Work and Work And Be Patient. Im sure you will be getting views and subs. I might help you if you want . I can put you in my sub box :)
Btw: I subscribed you.
All I can say is use good tags, and network with other gamers. Beyond that, I'm not too sure, because I'm a vlogger, and YouTube works differently from us and gamers. The problem is that gaming is such an oversaturated market, that people will be unlikely to follow you instead of any other gamer, because they're less likely to find you. You could try playing a game that isn't done often, or at all. That's an open niche, and could help gain attention. And also, as I said, network with others! Ask them for a cameo in one of their videos, and feature them in yours in exchange. Do box 4 box. Give each other shout-outs. Do whatever it takes.
Geez, thanks everyone. I understand that patience is a key factor to this, I just had a moment and got a little frustration. In terms of how long I've been doing near daily videos about 2 months. And with the minecraft saturated video, oh God do I know! :D I'm doing a Feed the Beast series which is a new modpack so hopefully because it's new I can get some early coverage of that. Thanks for those saying 'box 4 box' but as much as I want to give as well as recieve, my box has about 10 channels in - anymore and that list'll be longer than the video list shown on the page :p But just to clarify - I had a moment and I'm just going to carry on doing what I love - I love making videos it's not about fame or money. If I get any of that it'd be a bonus to get recognition for the work I do. Thanks everyone!