Want to do a "journey to" type of vlog but is an Iphone good enough?

First. I am new here. So if this is the wrong place to write, please tell me so that I ,or an admin, can do anything about it. Thanks!

So I have a pretty set goal when it comes to my training that I would love to achive but it would be cool if I could vlog this at the same time. Document the journey basically. So that means filming all my training, the lifts, the cardio and other areas. I would love to show the hardcore training it will take to be where I will be in march 2018 (When my goal ends). But I only own an Iphone (32GB storage) and I am not sure of how I can fit in a whole day of training and other stuff in this(Probably 2-3hours for every day). How would you go about it? Am I completely of with what im thinking and it will actually fit? Will the uncut content be much less than I think? Is there ways to go about it during the day before I can put it onto my computer?


i actually do a lot of my diy videos with my iphones..That way i dont have to deal with my gopros and i can crop the videos down while at lunch. I have one iphone with a ton of storage, but my other one is a work phone and only has 12GB.
The 12GB can shoot about 2-3 hours of video and i pretty much have to upload the videos to my cpu and delete them from my phone every day. To workaround this, when i am doing something that takes a long time, i will shoot a timelapse and it takes up a lot less space.

So if you are doing a long workout or something, shoot a timelapse of it, then when you are talking shoot a video.
One thing that can help is wifi and icloud. As long as you have a wifi connection and settings set to optimize space, iOS should sync your stuff when you have wifi so you have a constant amount of footage on your phone.

Of course, if you do a recording, it moght take a while for the space to free up, but that's one way to go. I take quite a bit of photos and videos on my current trip with a 16Gb iPhone with about 2Gb of free space, and I haven't run out of space once since I still have pretty constant wifi possibilities, so the footage gets synced to the cloud and only a small preview file is kept on the iphone.