Loving YTtalk
I know it sounds probably impossible, but seeing how I only get around 10 views per video after 4 years I really need some help with stuff like this.

Short story short, my channel is extremely unsuccessful. It has many issues that just seem to have came out of no where, like inactive subscribers, almost no views, and the issue this thread is about, viewer interaction.

I feel it's the first step to finally get some type of community going on the channel after 4 long years of failure. So what type of videos, or what should I do in videos, can improve this and get more viewer interaction. Seeing how I get around 3 comments a month and how the last time someone shared one of my videos was 15 months ago, every little helps.
Maybe you can do a series that is completely based on viewer interaction. You're a gamer, so maybe start a game, preferably with an open world or storyline with choices, play for a short while (10, 15 min) and then leave the video with the question which choice you should make. Give them two or three options and let them vote for a week (or two). Then pick up the game again and play the choice your audience made. Maybe even feature some viewer comments (people love seeing their name in videos) but make really sure that people know their choice matters :)

If your scared this will immediately get stumped, because nobody comments, have a back up person who will make the choice for you ;)

Hope this helps!

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