The "new" YouTube


I Love YTtalk
*disclaimer if you are offended by frank honest discussion please avoid this thread nothing here is meant or designed to hurt feelings its a frank discussion on personal observations revolving around "the new youtube"*

Hi I have been on a postfest this weekend because the wheels inside my brain have been turning as I have been testing out theories, thoughts, ideas. I am an analytical person and a hardcore introvert we tend to look at details. I am better in text then I am in front of a camera in fact me being on youtube is a bit odd in itself but I like to show off my movies and my art to the world. I am known in the geek world as that person who does cool tutorials though not for my cgi or machinima or my masterpieces theatre hehe.

Anyhow onto the "new" youtube

So I have been reading forums and surfing the net for about a month now and watching the changes. I have seen a lot of GOOD that google is doing mixed in with the bad. So here is what I believe is happening.

1) Google has decided awhile back actually after their failed site of doom for videos that it needed to clean things up and they are right they do need to be diligent and I thank them for that
2) Google is at this point large well massive actually and has actually sold off one of its holdings google sketchup to another company because they could not manage it properly
3) Youtube is growing exponentially for several reasons and google being google has decided to try to monitize as much as possible to make money

These things above are great and not so great lol if that makes sense

The reality is google is growing faster then it can properly train and hire staff and their code is buggy. If your new to youtube your likely unaware of some of the sordid past youtube has had including having a major funder (warner bothers) run away from youtube. Youtube is/was hurting. So Google has no choice but to redesign it.

If your having issue with the way youtube is doing stuff I know I do from time to time well a lot lately but i do have to admit they acted quickly once i faxed them (man they are slow with email though) regarding content theft. They gave me a survey to answer and one of the questions was regarding email and if they should have phone support. I answered YES YES YES phone support because at the moment the largest issue youtubers are having is with communication with the people hosting the content. Their survey gave me hope although I was far from kind when I answered it.

So the solution well actually this is what i have done with youtube all along. Use their new toys carefully in fact avoid using them as much as possible for the next year lol eventually they will get the toys fixed.

Here is another GOOD thing I jsut discovered THANK YOU GOOGLE. I have been having a lot of trouble with ioda, and music collecting societies to the point where I just delete the videos if they got flagged. Google has changed that system thank god. For the most part I dont go after ads on public domain stuff but those guys I mentioned above do lol. They have changed the content ID system it appears. I have had my account enabled for ads for awhile now but the flagging of my content has slowly been dying down (well the stuff I leave up lol). They appear to have put in a mechanism that only applies the content id system after you try to monitize a video. I have to research this more but it makes me feel better about putting up certain types of content because I no longer feel like some third party is going to try to leech off my non monetized stuff :)

anyhow bye for now. :)

what you see below is called CopyFraud this is one of the things google is trying to fix.. albeit they are driving me crazy while doing so but..
