I'm a dude with a face and I know how to use it.
This is a lazy question of me to ask it really is. But I haven't been promoting on facebook or twitter or myspace or any of those places, I don't even think I have a twitter account, and I don't even know how you promote on facebook or twitter. I mean, sure I could just post my video up, but is there a way to make it like stay up on my channel or something? Cause I NEVER got listens in the past when I'd post music on FB. I may have only been doing the video thing for a while, but I posted music to FB for years, very few listeners... So could someone just give me a good gameplan for how to social network promote and what sites I should do it on and how I should do it?
Code said he spends an hour and a half doing it, what the heck is he doing for an hour and a half?
Code said he spends an hour and a half doing it, what the heck is he doing for an hour and a half?